i will try my best to write something.

so hey whazupp!i know its been a while since my last post! and my holiday is over :(
it was only two freaking weeks and wasn't enough at all!! i need moreeeeeeee rest timeeeeeeeeeeee.
okay so ive just checked im schedule for the next term yesterday and figured that im about to take four subject which means...craziness. i dont know am i ready or not but well...yeah. so im kinda excited and freak out at the same time. i just can't wait to finish this godamn uni.. i wanted o get out from this place so bad, where i've been studying for a year and half now (but feels like forever to me) and this is the worst choice ever.
other than that, im having a bit problem with the new coreo in my dance routine, its like so freaking fast that i 
can't even follow,i miss alot of detail :s but i ain't givin up yet!!i'll work on ittttt. weeheeee!
hmm what else to say......................well,i have million things to write about like....arghhdahdaoibcvnsaisfa,but see, sometimes my laziness beat everything up. EVERYTHING. and it comes better of me.Like,whenever i get this idea about something that i want to write about, i am nowhere near my laptop, and im like "okay im gonna put this on my blog latter on" and after i reach home, i don't even have any courage to do it, i lose my urge, and i leave it somewhere inside my brain and say "i'll do it latter when i blog" , and yes, you know what happen next. Next couple days,after i found that "latter" day,i try to write and i remember almost nothing about what i meant to tell. !@#$%^&*!!
I know!I know! Thats just me and my bad bad bad habit, procrastinate things! 

Ok,so i'll try my very best to avoid my laziness to just log in and say a word of two everytime i have something to write im gonna just do it right away. i won't promise tho,but i'll try my bestttt. i hope i won't screw up this one.

till i write again,

random thing or twos :
