
i got alot in my mind lately,just some random thoughts,but the heavy ones. 
 ,i've been thinking alot about my collage, its like im starting to questioning my self, whether this is all i wanna do for my life? i mean this major i'm taking right now, do i really like it? do i enjoy it? do i even know what im doing?will it be useful latter on? I mean,i used to love it and i put whole my passion in it, but the pressure is legit high that i start to re-think everything.

  , what am i gonna do next after i finish both of my study,i graduate,then..what? do ive find a job based on my collage,or continue my dad's company? cus if its not me then who else? my brother is still in high school for the next three years and then more years for collage. i am the eldest child,i think i'll be responsible for that. you know,they're not gonna be young forever. 

   , people around me started to asking me when will i be in a relationship again..they seems to worry  that im being too comfortable with my own self. which is...in their opinion, a bad thing. well,to be honest,i dont know. i mean, i go out and see some guys tho,but i feel like to be in a relationship is not a good idea for me for now,i mean,i have an amazing friends and  my schedule is pretty tight. i don't know whether i can take a good care of another thing besides that, i mean its cool to have a company or someone you can share your story with,but... anyway, what is it about having a "in a relationship" status that is so important? you know i think sometimes, the title it self cause alot of trouble,maybe i will try to find someone i can commit with, rather than someone who just desperately want a title "in a relationship" with me .
 Anyway,"why bother with love,if its never last?" just pretend this question never echoing in my mind, maybe i will believe in love again,oneday.