as you wish,babe.

like,when it come to decision, i hardly ever regrets. so do i hope this time.
you know when you've tried your best to be a good person either its as a friend or a lover,you'll soon be awarded for whatever you've done. for this case, i feel that i did try my best,and if my best wasn't good enough,who cares? man,your lies killed my trust cus i know you quiet well and i know my self too well.
i know im that kinda person who wont look back after i leave.
 i'm just gonna make sure to take a good care of my own consequences , and make sure u too,
cus well, you know me.

p.s : thanks for the song, that's explain more than what your silence tryin' to tell me,
i'll make it easy for you, i'll let you go , as you wish

p.s.s i'll miss you,for sure. but i'm good.