girls want to be skinny and that is that.

this bi**h need to know that millions of girls die to have that body
including me. ha ha.

its true when they (who are they anyway?) say : no matter how skinny they are,girls will never feel skinny enough.
i can related so much to that words. i mean, i can tell my body is not fat, nor too skinny. i think its fine. but i just wish that i can take back that flat tummy,tight arms,and small hips which i used to have,but not anymore since i lived across the country years ago. so, ya'll know China,the food is soooo good and cheap!i lived there for over a year,before finally decided to come back here.I quiet enjoyed my self when i was there, i mean, parents,no guardian,it was just me and my friends we were living a REAL life. one legit word : FREEDOM
But freedom doesn't always mean a good thing tho, like when it come to situation with food, i rather have someone who can control and not letting me own the freedom to eat! (errr....not really,but well...)
I really wish i don't,but i LOVE to eat,like a huge problem for me. Food is my biggest temptation.
So, to avoid the weight gain i always do exercise,always?nah not really.but i do exercising for sometimes. 
I used to run before,every once in a week on Sunday.but then i stopped since i started uni, i mean uni schedule is too crazy and tiring so i end up making Sunday as my rest day,or assignments day..eeekkkk... :/ I still run in my house once in a while tho,well not literally running around the house but my dad has this running machine,idk what they called it, so....ya know. But now i'm focusing my self on the dance routine and i do this hulahoop thingy,hulahoop is eaaaasy man, i mean like we dont have to prepare anything we just need a Hulahoop as the tool (ofcourse-_-") and twist it around your hips with a funny movement hahaha but its fun! seriously,easy and fun! you should try, i do that twice a day,for 10-15 minutes each. and i practice my coreo almost everyday,cus well since i'm a massive amateur for this kinda dance genre. Hip Drop? what the hell is that,i dont even know it was exist before i joined this crew!but now i know and its so cool....and so hard,so ive to practice a LOT. The crew routine it self takes 2/3times per week. so yeah. pretty tight schedule,for me. ( rute : sunter-sudirman-gading-pluit. pretty shit,isnt it?) 
I love to dance since i was a baby but i didn't really get a chance to explore my secret....talent? haha nah im jst kidding, i love to dance,but ...i never really get a chance to seriously learn,so..... lets give it a try now and see! wise man says,"Its never too late!" :D 
Anyway,for whatever-sake,i wanna be skinny, but more important is i want to be healthy. So, skinny and healthy, who doesn't want THAT? Gosh,i adore Demi Moore's! She's 40 for godsake, and look at her body!
Life can be unfair sometimes.

Can you tell...?THAT body?
She's 40-something!!

i WANT that attitude,that legs,and that hair,when im 40.
Gosh,she's just fv*king FLAWLESS.