all i could ask for.

i need to go somewhere all by my self,for like a month or so,then live my life there, meet new people,new activity,i need some kinda new excitement,new adventure, i need to be away for awhile from this sick place where here its too much hypocrisy going on,being away from disgusting two-faces people,betrayer,and all of those kinda human being. You know, the thing is not just that, being surround bad environment could turn you into a bad person as well. I can tell how different my life and my self is since i moved in here again. Its been a year and half now,and i  can feel like my self being crawled by hatred and anger,here in this,how they call it "metropolitan city",people act like shit,think that they're the best of all,so selfish and full of bulls,plus the insane traffic jam,the horrific crime,racism,weird government misuse position, and stuffs like that. what is happening here? I wanna go f-cking away and refresh my mind,gather my excitement,throw away this anger inside of me caused by this horrible ignorant place,and find my happiness back again. Then,when i'm ready, i will come home soon.